Sometimes we wonder about the first person who discovered the magic of fermented grain, then imagined it might make an excellent beverage.
From its murky beginnings, brewing has always been fueled by imagination. What if we use rye instead of barley? What will a little spice give us? What if, instead of using our prized yeast strain, we just open the windows and see what the winds bring us? What if we give the yeast extra sugar to feed on?
Done properly, “art” is the right word to apply to brewing. As with any other art form, it begins with a spark of inspiration, is fueled by imagination, and then is visited by something indefinable, but absolutely essential.
Artists call it “the muse.” The religious call it “the spirit.” All we know is that no matter how carefully we formulate the recipe and supervise the brewing process, we can only hazard foggy guesses at what’s going to come out of the fermenter that first time.
When launching Three Taverns, we knew we’d need a space to keep our imaginations stimulated and cultivated. We call it The Genesis Project - named after our pilot system, Genesis. Simply put, we follow the brewing muse wherever it leads. Then, we serve it up in small batches, to The Fortunate Few. The results might eventually see regular production, but for the most part, our on-site tasting room, The Parlour, is the place to sample our latest flights of fancy.